Father's Day Gift Box

Father's Day Gift Box

Aunties Sewing Kits


We are celebrating all father's and men with a Father's Day gift 🎁 box. Available May only, so don’t delay order before they are gone. This will make a great gift for the men crafters in your life or yourself.

We have 3 sizes, small, medium and large. 

You are going to get at least what is listed!

Small has at least 6 fat quarters and 2 threads 🧵 

Medium has at least 10 fat quarters, 4 threads, one fabric panel and 1 notion. 

Large has at least 10 fat quarters, 4 threads, 1 fabric panel, 1 notion and 1 pre cut bundle. Could be charm pack (s), layer cake (s), or jelly roll (s).

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